Diadem helps to connect people to places. Good design founded in evidence-based practice will benefit the aged care sector. This is something we feel strongly about, and we believe we can make a positive contribution in enhancing design for dignity for both residents and staff.
Equal consideration must be given to staff amenity in Australia’s aged care environments. This issue is largely overlooked in many Aged Care Commissions Reports and discussions, despite its importance in ensuring a high retention rate for aged care workers.
We see great value in creating refreshing new ways to improve staff amenities in aged care facilities. This includes collaboration to reimagine indoor and outdoor dwell spaces for dining and reading, calming, wellness and relaxation spaces, and refurbished bathrooms. In an associated project, our client’s improved staff retention when they upgraded staff rooms and refurbished other staff areas to create more inspiring and welcoming work environments. Our thinking goes beyond signage.
In conjunction with improving the physical experience for residents and staff, we’ve found that providing additional services like research and audits, benchmarking and client feedback surveys, all help to build sustainable outcomes.
Working with aged care service providers, Diadem views all our advice through the lens of creating value. We envisage a ‘future state’ where the user experience sits at the centre of all design for dignity projects. In this realm, Diadem looks at the entire facility’s ecosystem from site identification and placemaking, user journey and experience, landscape and amenity, accessibility, and wellness. The results are best-practise, customer-centric and value-laden outcomes for all users.